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Quantum Mysticism PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 03 November 2008 17:49
"Quantum Mysticism" is a term used perjoratively by those who discount the idea that quantum physics supports mystical beliefs. There are respected physicists though who support this idea. What this means is that consciousness is a fundamental part of the Universe, just like space, time and energy. The basis for this idea is discoveries and new interpretations of quantum physics. So it should not be simply dismissed at first glance.
Metatrons cubeThe eminent American physicist John A. Wheeler put forth idea of the Participatory Anthropic Principle, which states that a conscious observer influences the outcome of an experiment.(1) That would mean that in this "participatory universe" consciousness is the main driving factor of creation. Indeed Barrow and Tipler go so far as to say: "Observers are necessary to bring the Universe into being."(2)

"I do take 100 percent seriously the idea that the world is a figment of the imagination."
- John A. Wheeler

The question remains therfore what is consciousness, and what makes us, the observers so special?

The traditional idea has been that consciousness is only an emergent property of the brain, thus a computational process. This idea has not been able to solve the basic question in consciousness research though why we ‘feel conscious’. Gödel’s theorem states that there exists truths within a mathematical system that cannot be proven by it. So a computational process which is limited by its mathematical algorithms must fail in some instances to recognize a truth. Indeed, the mathematician Roger Penrose argues that consciousness cannot be the result of computational processes, because humans can recognize truths where a computer cannot.(3)

In the Orch OR model by Penrose and Hameroff consciousness is a fundamental part of reality. This means that consciousness is information processing. So the answer to the above question would be, nothing really. It would mean that plants and animals, even calculators and thermostats have consciousness too, albeit at a lower level than humans. It implies that there is some kind of proto-consciousness level of the Universe where the information processing occurs. The Orch OR model suggests that the microtubules in the brain access this level of reality which are called quantum gravity effects.(4)

This fundamental level of the Universe where the quantum information processing occurs is by its non-local nature beyond our normal time and space. This would explain the so-called “quantum entanglement” effects, also named “spooky action at a distance” by Einstein. In quantum entanglement a particle that has been “entangled” with another particle immediately knows which property to assume according to what has happened to the other particle regardless of distance. It would seem that information is mysteriously transferred, even at speeds beyond the speed of light. This new view of consciousness would explain this mystery since then both particles would be receiving their information on how to behave from this fundamental, non-local level of reality.

Hans-Peter Dürr, former director of the reknowned Max-Planck-Institute for physics in Munich, talks about this “other side” of reality: "What we call the material world is the slag, matter, everything that can be touched. The ‘other side’ is everything else, the greater reality, the much bigger side of reality".

So if the ‘other side’ is the real origin of our consciousness, what happens when our body dies? Well it appears that an essential part of us, what can be called the ‘soul’, continues to exist through quantum entanglement. Not only that but it also can continue to process and store information. This idea anyway would explain near-death or out-of-body experiences, even those that occurred when there was no brain activity.(5)

But since the nature of this ‘other side’ where the soul originates is non-local, it must also mean that all souls are non-locally connected. Essentially therefore, all souls are one mind. Furthermore, since we established above that everything has some level of consciousness, we can say everything basically belongs to the One Mind.

"So if you anybody asks you, how many minds are there in the Universe? You can reply: One."
- Steven Greer

"There is nothing but God."
- Sufi wisdom



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written by gudlaffy, October 10, 2010
consciousness is reality

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Last Updated on Monday, 15 November 2010 12:48

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